Wanderlust Divine

10 Best Reasons to Travel

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If you have been thinking about taking that first trip or find that people keep asking you to travel with them but you haven’t actually set the time aside to go. I have a list of reasons that may help you get inspired to pack your bags and take your first trip or head off on another vacation.

Why travel in the first place? There are some people that love to travel or seek out adventure, such as me. Sometimes I just get an overwhelming feeling of needing to go then my body and mind seem to push me in a certain direction and then all of a sudden I am planning a trip and packing my bags.  Then there are the people that really need to be convinced that traveling is worth their time and money. I think there are so many wonderful reasons for you to travel that I just had to create a list to inspire you.

Travel Tips For Inspiration

1. Traveling will get you out of your everyday routine– It is easy to get caught up in your job, doing housework or different activities with the kids and family. I think it is important to engage in other things in life and enjoy different countries and cultures to see that there are unique adventures and new experiences to be challenged out there.

 2, Time seems to slow down when you are traveling– I find when you are off your routine you become aware of how much you can accomplish in such a short period of time. For instance if you go on a seven day all inclusive vacation there are a lot of steps that take place to get to your destination. Such as getting to the airport, flying to your destination, checking into your hotel, deciding what kind of activities/adventures you want to do while you’re there so you make the most of your time.

3. Traveling gives you mental clarity– Getting away from a busy life in the city or the hustle. Once you get to your destination and settle into your hotel you can then find relaxing activities to clear your mind. You can read a book in a quiet place, get pampered in a spa or just sit by the ocean and listen to the waves crash. All of these things and many more are good ways to clear your mind.

4, Traveling has a Calming effect– I know that the airport experience can sometimes be overwhelming and creates anxiety but once all of that is out of the way you are free to enjoy your time at your destination of choice. Taking a relaxing sail on the ocean or sitting in a quiet cafe reading a book you have been wanting to read for a really long time. Finding a nice hammock or place to rest while on vacation is very relaxing.

5. Traveling helps you understand how blessed you truly are– if you are lucky enough to travel to a place that you have always dreamed of, take advantage of all that it has to offer. Some people wont ever travel because of finances, their busy lifestyle, or because they don’t have anyone to travel with, While you are on your vacation take a deep breath and realize how fortunate you are to be there in that moment.

6. Traveling will allow you to see amazing animals free in the wild– If you are an animal lover traveling to certain destinations will allow you to see animals that you have never seen before in their natural habitat which is simply amazing.  When I went on my first vacation ever I was fortunate enough to see a dolphin for the first time it was a very emotional experience. It is neat seeing how beautiful they are and attempting to figure out their different personalities. 

7. Smells of the different places you travel to can help you unwind– It also really great way to start getting you immersed into a new culture and appreciate the little things like the smell of  the recharging tropical rain, fresh earthy smells, different street foods cooking, and endless beautiful aromas of  the native plants. Close your eyes and use your senses to really take in the whole experience,

8. Traveling gets you out of your comfort zone– Different interesting and sometimes a little bit uncomfortable circumstances can come up when you are in a different country. Such as coming in contact with someone that speaks a different language so you can’t understand them or locals trying to persuade you to go to different excursions or activities that you really didn’t have a plan to do. These things are common situations that people face. If you are polite and tell them you already have plans for the day or  just carry on you should have no problems.

9. Traveling makes you will feel more alive– When you are surrounded by nature and beautiful scenery you love. It can bring out an adventurous side of you that you didn’t know you even had. 

10. Traveling allows you to get a lot of exercise– While on vacation you will find that it is quite easy to burn calories. If you are anything like me while vacationing, I want to see what the country has to offer. There are hikes, excursions, and so many other interesting things you will want to see throughout the day and all of a sudden excitement sets in and exercise will seem effortless.

Some Travel Tips For You

I have learned a few things about traveling that may help you along your way

Do your research on the country you are planning on traveling to so you know what areas are safe to explore.

Study the map of your destination before you go so you have a better idea where things are. Trying to understand and figure this out when you are there can be really time consuming.

It will be a more relaxing trip if you deal with your finances or deadlines before you head off on your adventure. I find that when I get back from certain trips it can take me while to get back to my regular routine, so if you can try and get all your must do tasks out of the way before you go somewhere it is way more enjoyable.

Don’t travel with people that drain your energy. Traveling is supposed to be about enjoying your time and taking in new experiences. Trying to do this with people that drain your energy and bring you down will only make your vacation a miserable experience.


With all of these tips I hope I have inspired you to take your first trip or that trip you have been thinking about going on but just haven’t yet. Enjoy and take it all in!!