Wanderlust Divine

How to Nourish your mind body and spirit in winter

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The winter months are back again this time of year can be challenging for many people. Some of us don’t have our family close by during the holidays, the lack of sunlight throughout the winter takes its toll on us, and boredom sets in as we spend more time indoors trying to escape the cold. If you can relate to any of these things there are some actions that can help nourish your mind, body, and spirit in winter. Just applying a few of these methods will help you feel better about yourself during the long winter months.

nourish your mind with brain games

Nourish your mind in the winter

The winter months can drain you and you could slip into a depressed state of mind if you don’t keep your brain active with healthy activities. Now that a lot of us spend time on our computers doing other activities might seem pointless at times, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. We need to do other tasks so we can challenge ourselves and our abilities these things make us feel a sense of fulfillment.

  • Find places where you can volunteer in your community – volunteering is a great way to help others in your community and it will help you feel good about yourself by doing a good deed.
  • Read a good book that will inspire you – There are so many amazing books that you can read that will help expand your mind and help you come up with new ways to improve your life.
  • Organize your home – Start one room at a time section by section and get rid of items you no longer use or need. We all collect so many things that just get tossed to the side or stuffed in the closet. Clearing out extra materials in your home will also help clear your mind. Donating items can help you feel better about yourself as well by helping someone in need.
  • Nourish your mind with good healthy food – if we are eating garbage food all the time that is how we will feel. Not that you can’t treat yourself once in a while but don’t go overboard. I find it is easy to get addicted to an unhealthy food diet, it starts off slow with one cookie then pretty soon all you want to eat is junk. Making a list of healthy meal ideas and a food plan for the week is a great way to save money and also avoid putting food in your cart that isn’t good for you.

Nourish your body in winter

Nourish your body with at home workout

Some of us are very busy outdoors in the warmer months of the year with hiking, gardening, and just having the opportunity to sit in our backyard and enjoy the warmth of the sun on our faces. All of these things are great for our bodies but we can find ways to do similar things without being outdoors

  • Join the gym – there are so many different programs that most gyms offer now that are different from your standard workout equipment. You can try aquafit, dance classes, or group fitness classes that will help get your body moving and also will be a great way to meet new people. If you are someone that just likes the idea of working out at home there are a lot of great at home gym options to get an awesome workout without leaving your house.
  • Treat yourself to a massage- A great way to deal with a sore back and muscles and to take loads of tension out of your body is to get a back massage. There are also great neck massage tools you can purchase so you will be able to massage your aches and pains away at home.
  • Relax in a hot tub – This is another way to melt stress from your body, we build up a lot of body aches by sitting in the hot tub will help with these aches and pains.
  • Get a pedicure – If you are on your feet all day at work or if you have been on a workout plan that requires a lot of running a great way to relax and take the pain out of your sore feet is to go and get a pedicure. You can also do a pedicure in your own home with a luxurious foot spa so you can get amazing foot relaxation whenever you feel like it at home.
  • Enjoy a relaxing bubble bath – Wintertime has a way of causing back and neck pain because of tensing up to keep the chill off your neck or maybe lack of activity in the winter. At the end of the day, there’s nothing quite like a pleasant bubble bath to warm you up and help wash the stress of your day away.

Nourish your spirit in winter

Yes during the winter months time seems to slow down, this can be concerning for people that love the seasons of warmth and sunshine. We can look at this as a time to reflect and think about goals that we would like to obtain in the new year. Having ideas to look forward to is a great way to boost your spirit. Along with goal setting, there are many other possible ways you can nourish your spirit this winter.

  • Start Journaling – This will help you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns. Keeping track of your symptoms day-to-day will help you recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them.
  • Get plenty of sleep – There are many reasons we might lack in the sleep department, some of us are light sleepers, worrying too much, or just on our phones until the early hours. Trying diffusing essential oils or listening to relaxing music will help you fall asleep quickly so you can get a good night’s sleep. Having a healthy sleep pattern will help nourish your spirit and give you more energy throughout the day.
  • Do something nice for someone – Making a homemade gift, shoveling the walkway for your neighbor, or just being there for someone to talk to will help your mind during the winter months.
  • Make sure to reward yourself – If you have been working on something that has taken you a long time to complete or that you gave amazing effort towards, take some time out in the day to treat yourself. Often we do so much and forget this step, it would be something as simple as getting yourself a fancy drink, treat, or special gift.
  • Keep a gratitude journal – Even when the winter months may seem long and depressing there are many things to be grateful for. To help remind us of these things we can get a gratitude journal to write something to be thankful for every day, Performing simple tasks like this will help you to realize that good outweighs the bad which in turn will help boost the spirits.

Winter Activities

skating winter activity

Here is a list of activities for you to enjoy all winter long. Along with these things getting out in nature in winter is a great way to nourish your body, mind, and spirit in the winter,

  • Start a Scrapbook
  • Build a Snowman
  • Go Ice Fishing
  • Take a Snowshoe Hike
  • Enjoy the Hot Springs
  • Make Homemade Hot Chocolate
  • Go Skating
  • Have a Bonfire
Puzzle for winter activity
  • Go Dogsledding
  • Do a Puzzle
  • Relax at a Spa
  • Go Skiing
  • Read a Book by the Fireplace
  • Do some Baking
  • Attend a Hockey Game
  • Make Apple Cider