Wanderlust Divine

How to Keep your dog warm and safe In winter

dog wearing jacket in winter
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Now that winter is here once again in Canada taking your dog on a walk will have to change slightly. On days that it is extremely cold, you may think taking your dog for a walk might be out of the question. When you take the necessary steps before you head out you can make sure your dog feels as warm as ever while out and about. If you are wondering how to keep your dog warm and safe in winter keep reading because I have some dog winter tips for you below.

Tips to keep your dog warm while out walking

Even when it is cold outside doesn’t mean you can’t take your dog on a long walk. If you are worried about your dog feeling the effects of the cold weather take shorter more frequent walks, and watch out for signs of any discomfort your dog may be having.

If your dog is small and suddenly gets cold while you are out you have the choice of placing them in your jacket or dog carrier as a way to warm them up. When walking a big dog this will not be an option, so having items to keep your dog warm will come in handy for you,

dog jacket

Dog Winter Jacket – Cozy Reflective Waterproof Dog Winter Coat

If you are worried that your dog may not handle the cold well there is dog gear that you can purchase for your fur baby that will help keep them warm while they are out walking.

Dog Sweater

This nice-looking sweater will add extra comfort for your dog around the house or on a walk.

dog sweater

signs your dog is not handling the cold well

Like humans, some dogs can handle cold climates better than others Depending on the breed of dog you have these factors will vary. Also, the age of your pet is something to keep in mind. I have a large Lab Mastiff X and his hair is quite bristly and short. When he was younger the cold never bothered him, but now that he is a senior he gets a little stiff and cold while we are out so now winter gear is a must. Small dog breeds or breeds that have very short hair will also require extra attention.

Here are some signs to look out for while you are on your walk. If you notice any of these things

  • Trembling or shivering
  • Very cold ears
  • Whimpering
  • Hunched back and tucked in tail
  • Anxious behavior and unwillingness to continue walking
  • Limp or stiff movement
  • Lifting paws off the ground

Products to help your dog

dog in the winter

Although your dog can take a lot of wear on its paws and body from the brisk temperature outdoors, there are ways you can add that extra level of comfort for them that will prevent discomfort.

If your dog likes playing out in the snow or just likes going outdoors in the winter check that the fur between their pads is dry. If it is wet it will freeze and bunch up causing discomfort to your pet. Wipe their feet with a soft dry towel before heading back outside.

dog shoes, dog on a leash

Having them wear dog socks when they go outdoors is a great way to create a barrier between the snow and their paws so you won’t have to wipe their feet every time.

Paw Balm

After your dog has spent a long time outside the pads of your dog’s feet become dry and cracked. The cold winter months may take a toll on them, but they can find relief by applying, the balm to their paw pads. The balm will protect, hydrate, and soothe the pads of their feet.

Paw balm

Dog boots

Having dog boots will protect their paws from the cold and snow and also provide stability and traction, protection from sharp thorns and hot pavement

Keeping your dog cozy at home in winter

There are a few ways you can ensure your furry friend will feel more comfortable at home after returning from a chilly walk. Having a place for your dog to curl up and feel safe along with a blanket they are used to will give them ultimate comfort in winter.

Dog Bed

Cozy dog bed to make sure your dog has a comfortable warm place to rest.

Cozy dog bed

Soft Dog Blanket

Fleece Pet Blanket Flannel Paw Printed Throw for Dog 

soft dog blankets

Dog Heating Pad

dog heating pad

When winter comes in Canada it can be extremely harsh. Having a heating pad is a good choice to help take the chill out of your dog.

Microwaveable Plush Sloth Dog Toy

microwaveable dog toy for warmth

Having a cute cuddle toy for your dog is a great way to help them relax. What’s awesome is that it can be easily warmed up for them over and over

Dog winter Safety Tips

  • Avoid puddles when you are out – your dog’s feet will become cold and there also may be dangerous chemicals in the water.
  • Keep your dog on a leash – in winter it gets dark early if your dog wanders off you may have trouble locating them in the dark.
  • Do indoor activities – if the weather is extremely harsh there are games you can play indoors to keep your dog entertained.
  • Break up your walk – instead of one long walk go on two or three short walks when possible.