Wanderlust Divine

bring Nature indoors to Kick the winter blues

winter indoors
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Are you someone that really enjoys nature but the thought of spending a lot of time outside in winter brings a chill to your very core? If so read on because I have some ideas for you to bring nature indoors to help kick the winter blues.

Nature Decor

palm tree bedding

A great way to bring in the look of nature in winter to help cure those winter blues is to have it on display around your house. Putting bedding in your room with palm trees and bamboo will give it a very inviting cozy feel to it.

Hanging artwork that you’ve created yourself or have purchased is another way to add some texture and the feeling of the outdoors into your home.

You can make a room in your home extremely cozy by having a fireplace. On a cold winter night, you can curl up and relax near the fireplace in a favorite room of yours it’s a perfect space to help calm your mind in winter.

Having furniture with natural fabrics that are sleek and durable will give you all the natural vibes indoors.

Another way to bring nature indoors in the winter is by getting some greenery. One artificial or real plant can bring a natural feel of the outdoors into your home. In my home, I use both because I find some plants are really hard to keep alive. Put a tall plant in the corner of a room by doing this you can fill up an empty space. You could also try placing one in a dark basement to help the room feel more alive and comfortable.

Nature Crafts

Dream catcher

By learning a new craft in winter you will be using your time wisely by creating something rewarding and also help reduce stress levels. There are tons of crafts you can choose to create, here are some I enjoy doing throughout the winter months.

Making a dreamcatcher, originally every piece of the dreamcatcher was crafted using natural products by Native Americans. Some of those products may be hard to find so just try your best to use materials as close to nature as possible.

Learn a craft that uses natural fabrics like wax, wool, or bamboo you can either display them around your house or give them away as gifts to someone else that likes natural products as much as you. You could try making candles, this is something that is quite easy to do and very affordable to get started.

Another great craft you could try to do to help bring nature indoors is furniture refinishing. Using a piece of furniture that is made out of wood that needs just a little work to bring back some beauty. Use chalk paint to give it a fun look or stain it to help bring out the natural wood grain.

Nature Hobbies

Aero Garden

If you are someone that enjoys gardening and would like to do it in the winter months then get a small greenhouse to grow a few plants in. Small indoor greenhouse or aero garden to start your growing journey in winter. If you don’t have the space to set up a greenhouse tent or just want to start out with something small, then an aero garden will be a great option for you.

Complete a puzzle that has a nature scene once you have completed the puzzle you could also hang it on your wall as art.

Have a spa day and do your nails with natural elements such as palm trees, snowflakes, or feathers. This way you will be able to have nature vibes with you wherever you go.

Bring a fountain into your space, they have such a beautiful look to them and will bring a sense of calm and serenity around you.

Nature Scents

There are so many amazing candles that are on the market that are natural ingredients with amazing smells that can help incorporate all sorts of smells that you love and also bring a nice soft glow to a room.

Use a diffuser to pump out amazing natural smells from deep earthy aromas all the way to the fresh citrusy smells in nature.

Making your own natural products that you can use for cleaning around your house. This way you can enjoy nature scents every time you clean a room in your house. Using a spray bottle with a few drops of your essential oils you can make your own cleaning products that are safe for you and the environment. This is a great way to incorporate early smells such as pine, citrus, and tea tree oil.

Put a hand wash in your bathroom that has natural scents in it. Bringing out scents such as vanilla, cinnamon, or floral smells can calm our minds and make us think of nature every time we wash our hands.

Extra Tips to bring Nature Indoors

Getting out in nature is important even getting out for one walk a day is good for your mind and body. Not every day we can get out in winter, sometimes it’s way too cold storming or you might not be feeling your best. Here are some extra ideas for you to bring nature indoors when times like these come up.

Regenerative Garden Book

Study something about nature you love. Some ideas include learning how to grow a garden, a place you would like to visit, or learning everything you can about forest ecosystems. You will be much more knowledgeable once the time comes around again to enjoy these things outdoors.

If you find yourself making the same unhealthy meals over and over again? Try to slowly incorporate fresh healthy ingredients. Prepare meals using fresh vegetables and find good healthy recipes that you can cook all winter long. Winter is an excellent time to start coming up with new ideas for meals and all the healthy cooking might also inspire you to plant your own garden in the spring.

Read a good nature book like the secret wisdom of nature. To get you in tune with nature and understand how one thing in nature affects another. This book shows us how to recapture our sense of awe so we can view the world around us with completely new eyes.

Think about getting an aquarium with tropical fish. Being a pet owner takes a lot of work and dedication. If you are looking for a simple way to bring nature indoors with a pet but have never been a pet owner, then getting a fish is a good place to start. They are low maintenance and it won’t cost you a fortune to get started on your pet journey.